Dr. Rebecca Pennington, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
P: 504-733-8220
E: rpennington@gsle.org

Membership staff contacts are divided by regions. Regions are as follows:
Region 1: Ascension (except the Donaldsonville area), East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Livingston (including Denham Springs and Walker), Pointe Coupee, West Baton Rouge, West Feliciana
Region 2: Ascension (Donaldsonville area ONLY), Assumption, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Mary, Terrebonne
Region 3: Livingston (except Denham Springs and Walker), St. Helena, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Washington
Region 4: Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard
Dr. Rebecca Pennington, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
P: 504-733-8220
E: rpennington@gsle.org
Ace Bourgeois
Chief Marketing Officer
P: 225-348-2798
E: abourgeois@gsle.org
Jill Pollard
Chief Operating Officer
E: jpollard@gsle.org
Lauren Vance
Program and Property Director
P: 225-747-0403
E: lvance@gsle.org
Christy David
Board and Staff Liasion
P: 504-355-5887
E: cdavid@gsle.org
Mona LaCombe
Membership Director, Regions 1 and 2
P: 225-364-3265
E: mlacombe@gsle.org
Todd Tournillon
Chief Financial Officer, Outsourced
E: ttournillon@gsle.org
Taymika Sharrieff
Membership Director, Regions 3 and 4
P: 504-355-5898
E: tsharrieff@gsle.org
Hailey Lynn Fretz
Annual Giving and Events Manager
P: 504-355-5886
E: hfretz@gsle.org
Kimberly Hennegan
Data Administrator
P: 504-733-8220, Ext. 4234
E: khennegan@gsle.org
Kevin Shipp
Girl Experience Manager
P: 504-355-5888
E: kshipp@gsle.org
Tracy Yoes
Girl Experience Specialist
P: 225-364-3264
E: tyoes@gsle.org
Javonda Barker
Volunteer Support Specialist, Regions 1 and 2
P: 504-355-5884
E: jbarker@gsle.org
Loghan Dawson
Membership Recruiting Specialist, Region 1
P: 225-364-3283
E: ldawson@gsle.org
Julianne Brown
Membership Recruiting Specialist, Regions 2 and 4
P: 504-355-5872
E: jlnbrown@gsle.org
Rebecca Mattsson
Membership Recruiting Specialist, Region 3
P: 504-355-5894
E: rmcmillin@gsle.org
Jeannette Burke
Membership Recruiting Specialist, Region 2
P: 504-355-5881
E: jburke@gsle.org
Charmaine Robinson
Membership Recruiting Specialist, Region 4
P: 504-355-5883
E: crobinson@gsle.org
Lonnie Carter
Community Program Specialist, Regions 1-4
P: 504-355-5871
E: lcarter@gsle.org
James Simon
Volunteer Support Specialist, Regions 3 and 4
P: 504-355-5890
E: jsimon@gsle.org
Meredith Bennett
Product Program and Retail Sr.
P: 504-355-5869
E: mbennett@gsle.org
Jessica Brown
Product Program Specialist
P: 225-364-3275
E: jmbrown@gsle.org
Mike Heyd
Property and Facilities Specialist, Camp Covington
P: 985-502-8081
E: mheyd@gsle.org
Madison Lee
Girl Experience Camp Specialist
P: 225-364-3267
E: mlee@gsle.org
Kaylee Pendergrass
Equestrian Specialist
P: 225-726-6192
E: kpendergrass@gsle.org
Tyler Vance
Property and Facilities Specialist, Camp Marydale
P: 985-285-9378
E: tvance@gsle.org